7 Science-Backed Reasons for Eating More Fish
It is common knowledge that fish is high in protein and low in fat, making it a healthy addition to your diet. To take advantage of the benefits of fish, you don’t necessarily have to eat it every day. Generally, research shows that increasing consumption to once or twice a week is sufficient for you to enjoy its health benefits. While you may be aware that fish is healthy for you, you may find even more reasons to increase your consumption after reading these science-backed benefits.
Here are some of them:
1. Promotes brain development: Certain types of fish, such as salmon and sardines are especially rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are considered essential fatty acids but are not produced by the body on its own. It has a wide range health of benefits, including the promotion of brain development. Furthermore, studies suggest that omega-3 fatty acids can help alleviate the symptoms of Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder ADHD.
2. Can prevent heart disease: In a study published in Hypertension: Journal of the American Heart Association, it was found that women who consumed little to no fish had 50 percent more heart problems than those who consumed fish at least once a week. It was also found that women who hardly consume fish at all were three times more likely to develop heart disease than those who consumed it often.
3. Helps men have stronger sperm: A study involving 188 men suggested that those who consume greater amounts of fresh fish and other healthy foods such as vegetables and fruits had stronger sperms than those who follow an unhealthy diet.
4. Decreases risk for Alzheimer’s disease: A 2011 study involving 260 mentally healthy elderly individuals found that consuming fish at least once a week can help maintain grey-matter neurons, the area of the brain associated with memory and cognition. The study suggests that those who consume baked or broiled fish tend to have larger brain and larger cells in the area in the brain needed for memory and learning. And, the larger your brain volume, the lower your risk for developing Alzheimer’s disease.
5. Improves your mood: The high amounts of omega-3 found in fish, when consumed together with prescription antidepressant medications, have been found to help treat depression. A study involving 52 pregnant women found that omega-3 intake during pregnancy greatly lowered the women’s risk for experiencing postpartum depression.
6. Enhances your skin and hair: If you are following a low-fat diet, chances are it can leave your skin and hair dry -- a low-fat diet can deprive your skin and hair of necessary healthy fats. Consuming fish, however, can give you the kind of healthy fat your skin and hair need in the form of omega-3. Furthermore, research has found an association between the fatty acids and treatment of skin conditions.
7. Is a great source of Vitamin D: Vitamin D plays a significant role in keeping your body healthy, such as calcium absorption in the gut, cell growth, and inflammation reduction. However, it can be found in very few foods, such as fish. It has been found that a three-ounce serving of salmon has 75% of your daily recommended amount of Vitamin D.
Adding more fish into your diet really can increase the quality of your health, maintain that grey matter and keep you vibrant for longer.